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More Rate hikes coming...
It doesn't look like the ticket book rate will be increasing?
Times Herald says there will be another $1 Increase January 2014
this email is to inform you of a public meeting I held Sunday concerning the Ferry increases.
As a synopsis of the meeting discussion and my understanding of the "Case" is :
1. That case 01866 for a rate increase was denied by the commission and the case/docket closed.
2. A new case # 01867 was opened concerning Champion's letter of retirement and possible closing of the Ferry.
3. Case 01867 did not request a rate increase.
4. Public comment requested by the MPSC for case 01867 was concerning the Letter of Retirement (only).
5 The public was NOT notified that the MPSC was considering increasing the ferry rate on its own initiative in case 01867.
6. The MPSC Staff recommendation to the full commission ( to be voted on by the full Commission at an upcoming meeting ) included a $1 rate increase on March 10, 2012 ( not requested by Champion and not put out for public comment) and an ADDITIONAL $1 increase to be initiated on January 1, 2012 to be deposited into a Government controlled Fund for a new ferry and maintenance ( never requested by Champion). Not revealed to the Public for comment.
My personal effort is to address the MPSC Staff recommendation - to address the full Commission prior to their consideration of the Staff recommendation and hopefully have the Staff recommendation denied.
In my opinion the MPSC Staff recommendation is a violation of their own Administrative Rules, and by not following their own Administrative Rules, and that the Commission will cause harm to the users of the Ferry system.
The Petition looks to address this situation at the Full Commission level, as we are precluded from proper public comment to the Staff recommendation(s).
An estimated over 150 people attended the meeting on an 8 hour notice of meeting, including Mr. Bryson.
To wit:
Attached is the information and Petition you requested.
This petition does not represent or is not to be considered legal advice, only personal opinion as to addressing this important situation.
The Petition has been modified ( from my original 81/2 x 14 inch size )to fit on your printer with the standard 81/2 x 11 inch paper. It is a PDF file. If you have any trouble opening and printing the file Reply and I will send you a JPEG file.
Contact information:
The completed petition can be sent to the MPSC. The petition does not have to have all 12 signature slots filled out.
Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, MI 48909
Case No. U/T - 01867
Email: Please be sure to have the case number on the email message.
Access by WEB to all posted information concerning this case http://efile.mpsc.state.mi.us/efile/
Phone: 517-241-3323 Alternate Phone: (517) 241-6180
If you cannot scann the completed Petition to email to the MPSC please fax the petition to me and I will get it to them.
NORMAN'S FAX: 810-748-9250
Thank you, Norman Rhodes