Good Morning Everybody,
As you may have noticed we are not flushing anymore in the North Channel. We've been asked by the Harsens Island Ferry operator to stay out of the North Channel for the next several days. We will be focusing our ice flushing efforts over the next couple days in the South Channel. We have three icebreakers that will be working in the South Channel to keep the ice moving down into the lake.
If anybody can get a hold of whomever controls the weather, and turn the dial to warmer with continuing doses of SUN, Operation Coal Shovel would greatly appreciate it! :) Have a great day everybody and we will continue to keep you updated with any new information that may impact you and yours!
I just got back from my drive upriver to the State Park. The ice is thick, heavy, and not moving anywhere. The message from the ferry godfather hasnt changed. The ferry isnt running, but the airboat is. As for the fire dept, I kind of agree. It should only be used for emergency since there is another airboat providing transport to the island if needed. The ice breakers will be focusing on the South Channel because the locks are open and shipping season has started. If they came down the North Channel, the ice might move. The ferry cant run in that and neither can the airboat. So in a way the cold weather might help us if the ferry wants to try and make a path in the next day or two. We'll see what happens. Dont you just love spring on the island? Oh the drama!
I am very grateful to Bobby and the fire dept. for all of their dedication to getting us back and forth and for the fire dept keeping us safe. I do however pay taxes as do the older residents on the island who deserve to be able to get fresh milk if they need it. I understand they are there for emergencies, no arguing that, if they are making a trip across the ice anyway what on earth is the harm in taking over a few groceries? Are they really that petty? I will ask these questions once again when its re-election time, I will ask I know what you don't do for us because we choose to live on the island, what DO you do for us? Thank you again Bobby and the fire Dept. for being so wonderful as we are iced in. one more thank you to Dave for keeping us smiling even though I know he has lost a ton of money in fares and prop damage, he keeps his chin up for us. I am not starting an arguement btw, just stating my opinion and thank yous to those who deserve them. Please do not expect a reply from me if you comment. have a great day islanders!
thank you MaryG for your great least you're not anonymous like someone above you!!!!
agree with Mary....people, especially politicians, seem to lose their common sense.
Basic question: if the fire dept. boat is crossing anyway, what IS the harm in not letting it be useful for the return trip....duhh winning.
If we have a heavy snow storm the townships, county, cities etc. have no problem with issuing a snow emergency. If we have an ice jam that does not allow residents the ability to have the necessary essentials such as milk, bread, and other perishable goods, why can't there be an ice emergency to utilize the fire department to provide assistance. Just a thought!!
I agree.....Isn't this an emergency???
As far as I'm concerned...this is all about who's going to win this's been going on for awhile...we need to find out who is doing the bitching....because if no one was complaining , it wouldn't be an issue....should we just put the FD Air Boat away even though we can utilize it for whatever reason...??
DUMB! Grow up ...
I'm a little confused. Why did the ferry operator ask the Coast Guard to stay out of the North Channel for the next several days??
I believe the reason is so the ice will freeze up solid so he can make a path....if he tries to make a path now it would just fill in behind him because it is slush
Beautiful morning here on the mainland. But cold as ice! :-)
Any hope of the ferry moving folk today, Saturday???
I'm pretty sure their isn't much hope of that happening today :O(
On a positive note, very little ice coming down on the Port Huron River cam
Agree with the above comments re: use of the FD airboat. We cannot use the boat launch, (which we pay taxes for) and now not the airboat (which we pay taxes for) for anything other than an "emergency" which is defined by "politicians". Doesn't the govt have a responsibility to get our mail to us? Is Bobby providing this mail service for free? I believe we not only need to remember this on election day, but get out and do our part to remind others.
Question: I noticed the multiple cameras at the ferry launches. Is there a way to tie into these cameras to see if/when the ferry is moving? As well, we could see if the ice is static or moving.
Just wondering....
I have to drive 60+ miles to the ferry, and don't want to get there just to turn around and drive home... again!
I wish we could tie into those cameras....But I'm pretty sure that can't happen...but it would be a good idea!!
I am sorry, I just don't understand at all why everyone is SO against getting a bridge. Then this whole thing would be solved. I just don't get it. And I also don't understand why there is so much negativity against the Coast Guard. They work so hard to help get the ice moving and out of everyone's way....They can't create miracles. I would like to at least see a thank you to them once in awhile instead of the constant complaining.
I for one am 100% for the bridge...
And I also think the Coast Guard have been awesome!!
I haven't heard anyone bashing the Coast Guard this year...
And as for the bridge...again I haven't heard any talk of that either..maybe I'm on the wrong pages??????
A bridge would totally ruin the "islandness" of the island. Yes, it would be more convenient for the few few days a year that the ice causes issues. However, the effects would not all be positive. I will assume that the misinformed people that blamed this ice jam on the economy are recent island residents. Didn't you move to the island because you appreciated the small-town feel and ambiance? That could all be lost with a bridge. Think about it, of you wanted to live in Sterling Heights, you would be there today. If you fell in loce with Harsens Island for it's unique personality and attributes, you would see an ice jam for what it is, a few inconvenient days that make it tough to gwt to work on time.
heres the thing a bridge would not make it sterling hgts with sidewalks subs and stop lights.cmon....the feel will be the the keys feel like st hgts? does mackinaw feel like st hgts? the bridge would cost the same and keep the same people coming and going...I really dont care either way except now when we are stuck.oldtimers dont want change,they say we dont need a hotel or bars or visitors/tourists but the OLDTIMERS had like a dozen hotels brothels cruis boats dancehalls and bars with hundreds of people coming and going...did that have the island feel??say 1920? at any rate a bridge might be ok but if the township would spend as much effort helping us as the zon ing building etc do driving around looking for thing we would get mail and supplies in an EMERGENCY SITUATION we could get by with out it.
Thank you to Bob for running the airboat back and forth in the frigid weather. Thank you to Sunset Marina for the access and the parking. Thank you to the volunteer firemen and ladies who will make every effort to ensure that medical emergencies will be responded to as best as they can.
LOL@Gordon.....I didn't move here, I grew up here!!!
This Island is my home! The people on the Island are my family!!
It would still cost to get to the "Island". The only difference would be that you wouldn't have to sit in line to go across to the mainland. lol
I Love that I have the experience of the Ice Jams...I was on the Cutter(Bramble) going back and forth in 84..Ok, that was cool...but I'm over it!! If we had a Chance to get a bridge, well then it would be dumb not to!!
I wish I could go back in Time in My Grandparents days and see the Island when all the Hotel/Motels were here...when the Tashmoo used to come here...This Island was unique then...although I Love the Island...and can't imagine ever living anywhere has changed A LOT since I was a kid...and I or no One can stop change...Maybe it's time for change again! Just My opinion...everyone it entitled :-)
Oh, please! No bridge! We moved here 10 years ago and are therefore new. But we moved here because we love it and don't want to deal with what Mackinaw or any other tourist community has to! No developement! What comes next? Walmart?
We LOVE the breaks when the ice comes. Peace and quiet and, yeah, we cancel some appointments. But everything can wait. You HAVE to love Harsens Island!!!!!!!!
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