Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Thank You....Thank You....Thank You

To all of you who care about our wonderful Harsen's Island...who give your time & energy to make it better....who comment to help keep all of us updated during stressful times.....who report happenings.....who research and send me reports to post.....who take beautiful, interesting and sometimes amusing pictures to share with our readers....who help pull my car out of the ditch (thanks Daryl!)....who offer help and support in so many ways....who donate money into the tip jar (mama needs a new computer!)....who buy our T Shirts (my kids can make a few bucks, since a "real job" would be almost impossible for them).....who blog for me in the early hours and late hours (thanks Sue!)....

All of you have made it possible to keep this web site going....I was thinking of giving it up due to the time involved and how busy I am just trying to take care of my children with their many hardships due to their rare disorder (dysautonomia)....it is a full time job all by itself!

I know many of you have asked about advertising on Harsens Island News.....we are ready for you now....things have settled down a bit here and if my computer cooperates long enough I may be able to help you create your ads and get them up on the page.  Again, first come, first served....we have limited advertising space for static ads...while others will have to share a rotating space.  I will try to get the price info up by the end of the week.

I love my Island and all it's caring people....characters and all....it would be so boring if we were all perfect...it is our imperfections that make us such an interesting bunch of Islanders!  I'm honored to be able to call myself an Islander and will always call Harsen's Island HOME.

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