As soon as we posted that the airboat would run I dashed to get across...had to pick up prescriptions.
The ice was moving pretty good in the middle of the North Channel as we went across, but no problems with Bobby's excellent captain skills.
Thanks to the kind gentleman who drove me to the drug store...sorry I'm terrible with names.
I was back to the DNR in a flash, but had to wait there for nearly 2 hours. The line was long...I immediately calculated I would be on the 6th airboat trip back to the Island.
Not too bad except in my haste to get off the Island, I was only wearing canvas slip on shoes and a light gloves, no hat...not too bright for an Island Girl!
My daughter, Shannon, was on the Island side at the Boy's Club waiting for me and giving me updates...the airboats were not going over any more...they were sitting at the island. I called Daryl and got the scoop...the ice was now moving too fast for safe airboat transport and we would have to wait for it to slow down.
The temperature kept dropping as the now approximately 20 people jumped from foot to foot trying to keep warm.
After what seemed an eternity the airboat started running again...then along comes the US Coast Guard cutter heading down the North Channel...we all groaned thinking they would get the ice moving again and delay our frozen bodies return to a warm place once again, but their presence seemed to make no difference in ice movement...thank God!
After waiting 4 trips, (it would have been one, but Middle Channel Mike could not be bribed with the offer of a free T Shirt!) it was my turn to go. I jumped (not literally) onto the airboat just after the sun had set and the temperatures had plummeted...I could no longer feel my feet...but that was great for my foot injury. The return trip to the Island was freezing but uneventful. We could see the USCG still working the ice downriver from the ferry...hope they are successful tonight!
Once I got home and started to thaw I began to notice the severe pain in my recently injured, frozen foot....guess two hours on my feet was too much, but it was the only way to stay warm. Then my nurse mind started taking over...need to elevate that foot and put some ice on it...oh great!
Brilliant! Im glad Im out of the loop, since nobody cares about my opinion anyway. Best of luck since the CG gave up on clearing the
South Channel, and Cut Off where the freighters go. Ice too thick, heavy. No freighter traffic for 24 hrs + And Im sorry but the HIFD has no right except for emergencies to run an airboat. This whole thing is ridiculous. The CG only cares about $$$$ and the freighter traffic. 5 miles of ice may not seem like alot, but until its gone by the ferry, nothing is going to change.
David...who said anything about the HIFD running. They were only around in case of emergency...they were not transporting passengers.
I took Bobby's airboat both ways as did everyone else I saw.
Ill tell you what, the CG is back at it on the South channel, Cut Off. No ferry. I heard rumors the HIFD was running an airboat. Sorry didnt know.
I guess what ever the USCG did last night downriver from the ferry helped!
I know the situation hasnt improved because there is no current in my canal. This could go on for weeks, hopefully not. Or be over in days. We need warmer weather to make it work in our advantage. Believe me it has been worse.
Your daily activities through this terrible ice jam are so exciting and what an adventure!!!
I hope your foot is doing better today, and the ferry continues to run with no more trials and tribulations! Thank you for posting I feel for you!
Thanks Dorothy, my foot is feeling better today after some rest.
I think the ice problems on the North Channel are over (Unless we get some from Superior LOL!) things are not better where you are? Are you on the lower South Channel?
Did you see the picture from Mike D'Angelo...he's down Walker's way?
As of 9:23 the ice is still jammed on the South Channel but the ice breaker is coming up river now. This is at the Maybury cut. Hopefully this will break up the jam. Will keep on top and let you know if it moves.
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