Saturday, March 06, 2010

Downriver Recreation Commission

Thank you, Nancy for sharing this Email with us:

Wanted to let people know that Mike Sharrow, superintendent of Algonac Schools wants to get rid of the Downriver Recreation Commission which works out of the school. Here is an email I was sent:

Hope all is well!  Wanted to give you some new information regarding Algonac/Mike Sharrow/ and the Downriver Recreation Commission.  We parents were told tonight that:

A.) the superintendent didn't want DRC activities going on in HIS schools (mind you we are talking about Pte. Tremble Elementary), and that

B.) The DRC is scheduled to shutdown in June unless the parents/taxpayers get involved and get to the upcoming Clay and Algonac council mtgs and the DRC mtg.  

This shutdown includes ALL activities including summer playground.  DRC mtg is on the 8th, Algonac on the 15th and Clay on the 16th from the information I saw at Pte. Tremble tonight.  Please pass on as you feel appropriate!

The DRC sponsors the summer activities and other classes/programs for the young and old alike. Hopefully, we can keep it going with your support.

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