Harsen's Island News
announcements, local business links, recreation, Harsens Island ferry updates and more! **A community service sponsored by HIN and your local advertiser businesses**Please help support this site by visiting our local advertiser links and throwing money in the "Tip Jar!**
Thursday, January 02, 2014
Ferry Closing Tonight--01/02/2014
Because of ice in the North Channel, Champion's Ferry will be shutting down at 9:30 PM or sooner, until 6 AM tomorrow morning
Monday, September 23, 2013
Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Historical Society PIES ONLY Bake Sale OCT 5 - 10 AM to 3 PM
On October 5th, 2013, the Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Historical Society will be hosting a PIES ONLY bake sale from 10 AM to 3 PM at the museum on the corner of South Channel and Williams. All pies will be HOMEMADE and all proceeds will help fund the museum.
If anyone would like to donate a HOMEMADE pie, please contact Nancy Boulton, 810-748-3802.
Thank you and hope to see you on October 5th at the museum.
Friday, March 08, 2013
Ferry Rate Increase Approved
From the Port Huron Times Herald:
CLAY TWP. — Travelers to and from Harsens Island will be paying $1 more to use Champion’s Auto Ferry starting at 6 a.m. Sunday.
The Michigan Public Service Commission issued an order Friday afternoon implementing a settlement agreement between commission staff and David Bryson, owner of Champion’s Auto Ferry.
The round trip for automobiles and other single-wheel vehicles will increase from $7 to $8.
The commission also approved a second increase, again $1 for automobiles, to start Jan. 1, 2014.
CLAY TWP. — Travelers to and from Harsens Island will be paying $1 more to use Champion’s Auto Ferry starting at 6 a.m. Sunday.
The Michigan Public Service Commission issued an order Friday afternoon implementing a settlement agreement between commission staff and David Bryson, owner of Champion’s Auto Ferry.
The round trip for automobiles and other single-wheel vehicles will increase from $7 to $8.
The commission also approved a second increase, again $1 for automobiles, to start Jan. 1, 2014.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Excellent Information Regarding Ferry Rate
Pulling this comment up as a post:
bob dog said...
this email is to inform you of a public meeting I held Sunday concerning the Ferry increases.
As a synopsis of the meeting discussion and my understanding of the "Case" is :
1. That case 01866 for a rate increase was denied by the commission and the case/docket closed.
2. A new case # 01867 was opened concerning Champion's letter of retirement and possible closing of the Ferry.
3. Case 01867 did not request a rate increase.
4. Public comment requested by the MPSC for case 01867 was concerning the Letter of Retirement (only).
5 The public was NOT notified that the MPSC was considering increasing the ferry rate on its own initiative in case 01867.
6. The MPSC Staff recommendation to the full commission ( to be voted on by the full Commission at an upcoming meeting ) included a $1 rate increase on March 10, 2012 ( not requested by Champion and not put out for public comment) and an ADDITIONAL $1 increase to be initiated on January 1, 2012 to be deposited into a Government controlled Fund for a new ferry and maintenance ( never requested by Champion). Not revealed to the Public for comment.
My personal effort is to address the MPSC Staff recommendation - to address the full Commission prior to their consideration of the Staff recommendation and hopefully have the Staff recommendation denied.
In my opinion the MPSC Staff recommendation is a violation of their own Administrative Rules, and by not following their own Administrative Rules, and that the Commission will cause harm to the users of the Ferry system.
The Petition looks to address this situation at the Full Commission level, as we are precluded from proper public comment to the Staff recommendation(s).
An estimated over 150 people attended the meeting on an 8 hour notice of meeting, including Mr. Bryson.
To wit:
Attached is the information and Petition you requested.
This petition does not represent or is not to be considered legal advice, only personal opinion as to addressing this important situation.
The Petition has been modified ( from my original 81/2 x 14 inch size )to fit on your printer with the standard 81/2 x 11 inch paper. It is a PDF file. If you have any trouble opening and printing the file Reply and I will send you a JPEG file.
Contact information:
The completed petition can be sent to the MPSC. The petition does not have to have all 12 signature slots filled out.
Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, MI 48909
Case No. U/T - 01867
Email: Please be sure to have the case number on the email message.
Access by WEB to all posted information concerning this case http://efile.mpsc.state.mi.us/efile/
Phone: 517-241-3323 Alternate Phone: (517) 241-6180
If you cannot scann the completed Petition to email to the MPSC please fax the petition to me and I will get it to them.
NORMAN'S FAX: 810-748-9250
Thank you, Norman Rhodes
bob dog said...
As a synopsis of the meeting discussion and my understanding of the "Case" is :
1. That case 01866 for a rate increase was denied by the commission and the case/docket closed.
2. A new case # 01867 was opened concerning Champion's letter of retirement and possible closing of the Ferry.
3. Case 01867 did not request a rate increase.
4. Public comment requested by the MPSC for case 01867 was concerning the Letter of Retirement (only).
5 The public was NOT notified that the MPSC was considering increasing the ferry rate on its own initiative in case 01867.
6. The MPSC Staff recommendation to the full commission ( to be voted on by the full Commission at an upcoming meeting ) included a $1 rate increase on March 10, 2012 ( not requested by Champion and not put out for public comment) and an ADDITIONAL $1 increase to be initiated on January 1, 2012 to be deposited into a Government controlled Fund for a new ferry and maintenance ( never requested by Champion). Not revealed to the Public for comment.
My personal effort is to address the MPSC Staff recommendation - to address the full Commission prior to their consideration of the Staff recommendation and hopefully have the Staff recommendation denied.
In my opinion the MPSC Staff recommendation is a violation of their own Administrative Rules, and by not following their own Administrative Rules, and that the Commission will cause harm to the users of the Ferry system.
The Petition looks to address this situation at the Full Commission level, as we are precluded from proper public comment to the Staff recommendation(s).
An estimated over 150 people attended the meeting on an 8 hour notice of meeting, including Mr. Bryson.
To wit:
Attached is the information and Petition you requested.
This petition does not represent or is not to be considered legal advice, only personal opinion as to addressing this important situation.
The Petition has been modified ( from my original 81/2 x 14 inch size )to fit on your printer with the standard 81/2 x 11 inch paper. It is a PDF file. If you have any trouble opening and printing the file Reply and I will send you a JPEG file.
Contact information:
The completed petition can be sent to the MPSC. The petition does not have to have all 12 signature slots filled out.
Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, MI 48909
Case No. U/T - 01867
Email: Please be sure to have the case number on the email message.
Access by WEB to all posted information concerning this case http://efile.mpsc.state.mi.us/efile/
Phone: 517-241-3323 Alternate Phone: (517) 241-6180
If you cannot scann the completed Petition to email to the MPSC please fax the petition to me and I will get it to them.
NORMAN'S FAX: 810-748-9250
Thank you, Norman Rhodes
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Ferry Rate Increase
Moving up a post from "Unknown":
Unknown said...
$1 Price increase for Ferry announced today effective March 10, 2013

2/12/13, 10:03 AM

Friday, January 25, 2013
Ferry Running
Just called Champion's office and the message says ferry is running on it's normal schedule and will continue to run. No problems expected for the next few days or until the temperatures warm up early in the week.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Ferry Is Shut Down For The Night
Just heard from Clay Township that the ferry has shut down for the night. They will try to start running again at 6:30 AM.
Thank you, Brian, for the following:
Ferry message was changed.
"Thursday at 6:30, ice is getting progressively heavier. Will attempt to run until 8pm tonight and will try to reopen at 6am Friday morning."
"Thursday at 6:30, ice is getting progressively heavier. Will attempt to run until 8pm tonight and will try to reopen at 6am Friday morning."
Moving Up Comment from "The Most"

1/24/13, 5:40 PM
Thank you!!
Ferry Update
Thank you to "The Most" for posting this on the comment section:
I just called the Ice line _(810-748-3757) and the message was left at 3pm: it stated that there is ice piling up in front of the dock, and they will likely have to close "in the next hour or two or three" to let the ice set up. They anticipated being closed for about 4-6 hours so they could break a path afterwards.
No other information beyond that was provided.
When I first posted I had no other information other than David Bryson was going car to car telling people he was shutting down. No time was given nor any other information. I also called the office just now (5:20) and the message was the same as posted above. I drove to the ferry around 5 PM and it was still running.
If I hear anything pertinent, I will post it and please if anyone else hears or sees anything concrete, please comment. Thanks.
I just called the Ice line _(810-748-3757) and the message was left at 3pm: it stated that there is ice piling up in front of the dock, and they will likely have to close "in the next hour or two or three" to let the ice set up. They anticipated being closed for about 4-6 hours so they could break a path afterwards.
No other information beyond that was provided.
When I first posted I had no other information other than David Bryson was going car to car telling people he was shutting down. No time was given nor any other information. I also called the office just now (5:20) and the message was the same as posted above. I drove to the ferry around 5 PM and it was still running.
If I hear anything pertinent, I will post it and please if anyone else hears or sees anything concrete, please comment. Thanks.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Notice From MPSC Regarding Ferry
Following is a link to an article in the Detroit Free Press and a notice from the Michigan Public Service Commission regarding possible termination of ferry service.
MPSC Starts Investigation into Possible Termination of Service by Champion's Auto Ferry, Inc. Between Harsens Island and Algonac | |
Contact: Judy Palnau, 517-241-3323 Agency: Michigan Public Service Commission
August 14, 2012 - The Michigan
Public Service Commission (MPSC) today directed Champion's Auto Ferry, Inc. to
submit a proposal within 120 days regarding the means of continuing to assure
safe and reliable transportation service to and from Harsens Island after the
retirement of David Bryson, president and CEO of the company.
Bryson on July 27
submitted a letter to the Commission indicating his intention to retire in the
near future and stating that his letter serves as "official notice" that the
company intends to discontinue ferry service at some point in the
Today's order directs
the company to publish a notice of opportunity to comment in a newspaper of
general circulation serving Harsens Island and Algonac by Sept. 14. The notice of hearing shall also be displayed
in a manner that is visible to the public on the company's docks on both sides
of the river channel.
In addition, the
commission's executive secretary was directed to provide notice to Clay
Township, the City of Algonac, and St. Clair County. The executive secretary will also provide
notice of opportunity to comment to Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Association,
the Harsens Island Transportation Authority, and the Michigan Department of
Interested parties
may file comments on Champion's Auto Ferry's proposal and other related matters
by 5 p.m. on Jan. 30, 2013. All comments
should reference Case No. U-01867.
Written comments should be sent to:
Executive Secretary, Michigan Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 30221,
Lansing, MI 48909. Electronic comments may be emailed to: mpscedockets@michigan.gov. Comments and other documents received in this
proceeding will become public information, posted on the Commission's website,
and subject to disclosure.
The MPSC staff is
directed to review the company's proposal and the comments and file a report by
March 1, 2013 with recommendations for moving forward with the
The MPSC is an agency
within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
Case No.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Nations Festival
an event the Historical Society has organized to honor the history of First
Nation inhabitants of the Delta, Harsens Island and the St. Clair
properly represent the traditional heritage of First Nation peoples, The Society
has invited Authentic Powwow Dancers, Singers and Drummers from Walpole
guests, whose ancestors inhabited the St. Clair River Delta for many hundreds of
years, will demonstrate the traditional heritage of Song, Dance and Drum. They will share their rich culture through
crafts, art, dance song, drum, and food.
hope you will bring children and grandchildren, friends, relatives and
yourselves to learn more of this rich culture and heritage.
the Museum's New First Nations Exhibit
August 11 - 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Island St. Clair Flats Historical Museum
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hosted by Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Association
FRIDAY JUNE 22, 2012
Country Music featuring the BRENDA LOOMIS BAND
Hot Dog/Refreshments available from the "Hot Dog Man"
FRIDAY JULY 20, 2012
Island Music/Jimmy Buffet Style featuring "PHIL MAY"
Hot Dog/Refreshments available from the "Hot Dog Man"
SATURDAY AUGUST 4th as an extension to Field Day Activities
Pop Favorites featuring "THE GROOVE"
7pm to 9pm
Beer/Wine Available
Monday, May 21, 2012
Clay Township Cleanup
The Clay Township Annual Cleanup will take place on the Mainland at the DPW building located at 9620 Ainsworth on Mon June 18th through Thurs. June 21st from 8am to 5pm.
It will take place on Harsens Island at Browne's Field on Sat. June 23rd & Sun June 24th, 8am to 5pm. Items accepted include tires, non-hazardous debris,metal and appliances.
It will take place on Harsens Island at Browne's Field on Sat. June 23rd & Sun June 24th, 8am to 5pm. Items accepted include tires, non-hazardous debris,metal and appliances.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Water Ban Lifted--5/19/12
Water ban is lifted
Harsens Island residents no longer have any water use restrictions.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
From Clay Township
There is a BOIL WATER ALERT for Harsens Island. The water main break has been repaired. Kudos to the entire crew of the water dept who worked all day and all night into today to get this main repaired. Please Boil your water for at least 3 minutes before using it to cook food or brush your teeth.We will advise when alert has been lifted. Thanks for your patience
Water Main Break
If you know someone that doesn't have a computer or is not signed up for Select Alert, please pass on the news to them. Information is also posted on the board by the ferry and at the Township Offices as soon as possible after receiving news of this sort.
Select Alert Notice
BOIL WATER 5-17-2012
BOIL WATER 5-17-2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Water Main Break On Feeder Line to Harsens Island
There has been a water main break on the feeder line to Harsens Island. Clay Township Water Deptartment is working on the problem, but if the break is more than 12 feet deep, the break won't be fixed until tomorrow.
If I get anymore news I will post immediately and would appreciate posts from others if they hear something.
If I get anymore news I will post immediately and would appreciate posts from others if they hear something.
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